Sunday, June 16, 2019

To Travel Independently... Or Not Independently...

Hello Travelers,

I hope this blog post finds you well amidst your travels around the world! Wanted to touch on a topic I believe is often not largely considered but often debated: to travel alone, or not travel alone.

Personally, I am a huge fan of traveling independently. My favorite trip to date was one I took in early March, where I flew spontaneously to London for four days by myself, walking over 60 miles in my time there. I spent my days trekking through Hyde Park, drinking tea at Harrods, and exploring the dungeons at the Tower of London. Taking this trip as a solo one allowed me to tailor my schedule to my own personal needs as I did not need to accommodate for anyone elses plans. But while I am a total jet-setter, I also believe it is important to consider the safety of traveling alone. Whenever I am alone in a foreign country, specifically speaking to one where the people do not speak english as a first language, I always try to be mindful about being safe. A few recommendations should you decide to travel alone:
  • Travel alone, but not lonely. Traveling independently can allow for great self-development, but don't force it if you would do better with someone (or multiple people) by your side. 
  • Know which way is up. Study the map a bit before you depart. 
  • Learn a few words of the local language. It will go a long way when asking for something (i.e. a simple "thank you" after receiving directions). 
While I personally enjoy traveling alone, I also see value in traveling with a group. With others, there are more opportunities to engage in activities that may require multiple people, and it certainly adds an additional level of safety to your travels. If you are traveling with close companions it is also a great way to make some amazing memories and see incredible sites.

Either way, there are benefits to both. But personally, although I am a pretty extroverted person, I really do love to travel alone and find that I learn a lot about myself when I do.

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